16 Relatable Reasons That Moms Cry
At first glance, this may seem like an absurd thing to talk about. Like why discuss the things that make us cry? But I’ll be honest, I cry a lot in my role as a mother – for a lot of different reasons. And I don’t think I am alone with this. So let’s put it all out on the table. Let’s talk about some of the reasons that moms cry.
Reasons That Moms Cry
Motherhood can bring on a lot of tears. Can you relate? If you are a mom, I bet you can think of a few reasons you’ve cried. So let’s get right to it! Here are some very real reasons that moms cry.
16. Your Child Is Sad or Hurt

I feel like this one is the most obvious, and the most understandable to someone on the outside looking in. When your child cries, it can sometimes be hard to not cry yourself. You want to take away the pain, whether it is emotional or physical. You want to absorb all the negative feelings, and it comes out in your own tears.
15. You Reflect on When Your Child Was Little
Whether your baby is 1 month old or a teenager, this is always true: Looking back to when they were smaller and more dependent on you can bring on all kinds of emotions. If you pull out your phone and start the scroll through your photos from over the years, expect to cry at least a little bit.
14. Your Child Tells You They Love You

Goodness, there is something really, really special about your child expressing their love to you. Whether it is through the strongest hug or the words, “I love you,” receiving this message from your little one can initiate the water works.
13. You Are Exhausted
Motherhood is exhausting. Period. There are so many responsibilities, so many things to think about, and so little time to get everything done. According to Healthline, many people claim to be quicker to cry when they are exhausted. So this could totally explain some of the mom tears.
12. Hormones After Birth
While this one is specific to the time after your little one is born, it deserves a spot on this list. I have never cried as much in my life as I did in the few weeks after the births of both of my sons. Hormones can make the tears overtake you in full force. It can make you feel like, “What the heck is wrong with me, why can’t I stop crying?” But this can be a normal part of the postpartum period.
11. You Feel Guilty (Even If You Shouldn’t)

Mom guilt is unfortunately a very real thing. And it can lead to you feeling defeated and emotional, even if you really shouldn’t be feeling guilty in the first place. Whether you are feeling guilty for going back to work, co-sleeping or not co-sleeping, feeding your baby formula, or not giving your child all of your attention 100% of the time, these feeling can absolutely bring on the tears.
10. You Miss Your Kids
When you’re away from your kids, missing them can feel unbearable. This is one reason going back to work as a working mom can be so hard. It doesn’t mean you can’t be apart from them, or that it is never worth separation. But it does mean that there can be tears involved.
9. You Miss Your Life Before Motherhood
Sometimes, you may miss your life before all of the responsibilities and demands of motherhood. No, this doesn’t mean you are a bad mom. No, this doesn’t mean that you don’t absolutely love your kids. But it can cause you to feel a sense of sadness, and that is perfectly okay.
8. Kid Movies

I can’t be the only one who cries every time I watch Coco. Every. Single. Time. There are so many tear-jerker kid movies out there, it is hard to avoid the tears when your kids are into watching a good movie.
7. Breastfeeding Is Hard
If you are a mom who breastfeeds, you very likely have cried at some point in your breastfeeding journey. It is so, so hard at times. From the physical pain of getting started, to the sense of responsibility that comes with being the sole source of nutrients for your little one, there are a lot of things that can cause you to cry.
6. Pressure To Be Perfect

As moms, we receive so many messages from the world around us that we need to be perfect. We need to be the perfect mothers, feeding our kids the perfect meals, living in the perfect houses, all while maintaining a perfect body. It is too much – and not something we should be striving for. But there can be a lot of pressure on moms to be perfect, and sometimes, it can be hard to resist the strong emotions that can accompany that pressure.
5. Relationship Struggles
Parenting with your partner can cause a strain on your relationship for a variety of reasons. And when there are struggles in your relationship, sometimes crying is inevitable. If this is becoming a problem in your own relationship, I recommend considering couples counseling to help maintain healthy communication and minimize conflict.
4. You’re Overwhelmed by Your Kids’ Immediate Needs

When your kid needs you and demands that you are there for them right then and there, it can be overwhelming to the point of tears. For me, it is my toddler pulling on my sweater screaming for me while my baby cries on the other side of the room that sometimes sets me over the edge. Kids need a lot, and that can be a lot.
3. Gratitude For It All
In moments when you realize all you have, the emotions can be absolutely overwhelming. Like wow, these little people are mine. This is my life. Sure, it’s hard. But how amazing to have all that I have. And now, bring on the tears.
2. It’s Damn Hard

You do so much, mama. Let’s not downplay that. Motherhood is hard. It can be so, so hard. You have to make hard decisions. You have to do hard things. You have to keep your little people alive and happy and healthy. It is not easy, and crying is justified for this reason alone.
1. Release
Releasing built up emotions is so important. Crying can serve as a way to let it all out. To let all of the feeling inside go. To release any feelings taking up space inside of your being. Crying can feel like a deep sigh, or a refreshing breath of fresh air. It can decrease tension in your body. It can allow you to feel free of the weight of all your emotions. This release is why sometimes a good cry is so, so worth it.
There’s No Bad Reason To Cry
I think we are often made to feel that crying is a bad thing. That it is a sign of weakness or being broken. But that is not the case at all. There are so many reasons that moms cry, and none of them are “bad.” So let it out, mama. Let the tears flow if you need to. You are strong, you are capable, and you are allowed to cry.
But let’s not stop there. Make sure you are checking in with yourself and your needs – this self-awareness is so important, especially as a mom. You deserve to have your needs met, and to have space to cry as you need.
I love the message of this post. Moms need to be able to feel their feelings and release them. Most importantly, they need to know that they are not alone in feeling all of those feelings.
Yes, so agree with everything you just said 🤍
I love this post. I find crying to be such a great release and so therapeutic. Parenthood really does give you reason to have all the feels happy and sad. Thanks for putting this out there!
So glad this resonated with you. I’ve never come across someone talking openly about the extent of reasons to cry in motherhood, so I had to create this! It really does bring out all the feels!
I love this so much, as a first time mom these reasons are spot on!
I’m so happy to hear that this resonated with you 🤍 Sending love to you in your motherhood journey!
So true, love that you make it ok and we don’t have to feel guilty for everything.
That’s what I’m all about ✨