3 Ways to Make Self-Care a Priority as a Working Mom
I have been on a combination of maternity leave and summer break for the past few months, and am preparing to go back to work in just a few weeks. I have been thinking a lot about how to make self-care a priority as a working mom when life gets crazy.
And I’ve come to accept that I can’t add an extra couple hours to the day or an 8th day in the week (wouldn’t that be nice, though).
But there are some things that I can do to take care of myself despite my busy schedule. I thought I’d share these tips with you, too!
How to Make Self-Care a Priority as a Working Mom
Get The Kids Down Early

An early bedtime (and I don’t mean yours) is an important way to maximize your “me-time.”
This summer, I have been practicing getting my boys down early so that I have time to get work done and relax. I started putting my almost-three-year-old down at 6:30 p.m., much earlier than his old 7:30 p.m. bedtime. My five-month old goes down around 7:00 p.m.
Getting in a good rhythm with bedtime is so helpful, but it can be a struggle. I remain gentle but consistent about bedtime, keeping a short bedtime routine to help the boys feel ready. Sometimes my toddler fights it – “Mama, it isn’t dark out” – but when it’s time to start the routine, that’s what we do.
Having that extra time without staying up until the wee hours of the night (okay, sometimes I still do that) allows me to focus on myself some and still get a decent amount of sleep. After I get some things done around the house, I can read, do a project, or sit around and watch The Bachelorette with a glass of wine.
Of course there are always things to do, and sometimes I spend the time cleaning or doing work or simply getting a peaceful shower in, but I try to prioritize self-care as much as I can for my sake, and the sake of my husband and kids. I am a better person when I am taking care of me.
Take Advantage of Your Commute

I have a 45 minute drive to work everyday. That is an hour and a half that I spend in my car, usually by myself.
I could complain about this commute, feeling sorry for myself and all the time I waste driving. But instead, I try to embrace it. I am a working mom. And I get AN HOUR AND A HALF BY MYSELF.
During this time in the car, I try to do things that make me happy – of course keeping safety while driving my number one priority. Usually, this means listening to my favorite podcasts (My Favorite Murder, anyone?), but sometimes I play an audiobook or a pump up playlist.
I know that self-care time outside of the car would be ideal. But us working parents have to work with what little time we’ve got! And I’ve got over seven hours in the car each week to enjoy whatever I feel like.
So as you’re driving down the freeway or sitting on a busy subway headed to work, press play on the stereo or pop in an earphone and get to listening. This change of mindset when it comes to your commute could help you feel a little more taken care of.
Ask For Help

This one seems the most obvious, but also can be the hardest.
I find that I often need the reminder that not only is it okay to ask for help, but it is actually good. I find that my kids are so much happier (and easier) when I am happier. Sometimes that means asking for time to do something alone or with my partner, without the kids.
If you have the means to do so, ask a family member or friend to help, or hire a babysitter. Go enjoy some time for yourself. Do whatever feels right – get your nails done, go for a long walk alone, or have a romantic date night.
Even though you are a mom, you are a person with your own individual needs. And you can’t do it all.
Asking for help is a totally normal part of parenthood, so do it without guilt or shame.

Go, Quick! Make Self-Care a Priority as a Working Mom
It is so important for both you and your family that you are taking care of yourself as much as you can. Make it a priority, and don’t forget it.
Hopefully these tips on prioritizing self-care can make that a little easier for you. Let’s aim to be the happy, fulfilled working moms that our kids need!
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