The Most Important Things to Pack in Diaper Bag
When you leave the house with your little one, you absolutely need to make sure you are fully prepared for anything. That includes blowouts and dropped pacifiers. Believe me, if you aren’t, you’ll probably regret it. If you find yourself searching on the Internet, “things to pack in diaper bag” – I’ve got you covered.

Things to Pack in Diaper Bag
These are the most important things to bring no matter where you go. You do not want to forget any of this!
Diapers and Wipes
Duh, right? Except I can’t tell you the number of times I have failed to double check if I had enough diapers to make it through a days outing, or forgotten to restock the bag with a new wipe pack after using the last one.
When you are out and about, the last thing you want to be dealing with is a dirty diaper that can’t be changed. Diapers and wipes are a clear necessity that you can’t go without.
Make sure to always check the diaper bag before you leave the house so you don’t make this mistake!
Extra Clothing
Imagine this scenario: You are holding your baby and all of a sudden you feel something wet on your hand. Is that pee, or even worse, poop?
Blowouts happen. It’s inevitable. No matter how hard you try, you can’t avoid them.
But you can be prepared.
Make sure you always have an extra outfit (or 3) packed in your diaper bag. Eventually, you will need it.
Diaper Rash Cream
When changing your baby on the go, you want to be completely prepared for anything, including diaper rash. That’s why it’s important to have diaper rash cream on hand.
This travel-sized Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is perfect to stick in your diaper bag for those moments when you can’t go without!
If your baby uses a pacifier, you are going to want to have more than one on hand. Make sure to pack an extra in case the one your baby is sucking on falls on the ground or otherwise disappears.
When my first born was little, I always made sure to have a few extra pacifiers ready to go, and I can’t tell you how many times this move saved me from full meltdown mode. You want your baby to be as comfortable as possible when on the go, so don’t forget to take these along.
Portable Changing Pad
When you head into a public restroom for a diaper change, the last thing you want to do is set your precious baby down on the grimy changing table. Using a portable changing pad can fix that.
Make sure to pack a changing pad in your bag so that any flat surface can become a safe, clean space for a diaper change. I recommend getting a changing pad like this one that is slightly padded and can be wiped down for easy cleaning.
The Bare Minimum
Sure, there are other items that might come in handy in your diaper bag, but these are the things you can’t go without! Always make sure to check that it is all there before you head out the door.
What else do you back in your diaper bag? Let me know in the comments!
Check out this post for items to add to your baby registry.