The Best Ideas For Stress Relief For Busy Moms
“Stress, what’s that?” said no mom ever. It really isn’t a secret that motherhood can be stressful. In a way, stress is just a part of the job. But it is important that moms don’t just live in the heat of the stress. That is why we need to talk about stress relief for busy moms.
Why Is Motherhood So Stressful?

Where, oh where do we even start? I mean, there are so many parts of motherhood that are stressful.
From making sure your kids are healthy to not getting enough rest, from keeping up with the busy schedule to worrying about your kids’ safety all of the time, there are so many components of motherhood that can cause stress.
It can be seriously difficult to find a time to relax. There are so many responsibilities, so many places to be, so many meals to make and areas to be cleaned. And there’s laundry, homework, bath time, soccer practice. All of the little things add up. And then there is always more to be done.
You get the picture, right? Moms hardly ever stop. Even when we do get a moment to ourselves, it is hard to calm our minds from the million and one things we could be doing or thinking about.
Man, it can be stressful huh? I don’t want us to get too bogged down in all of this, but I do think it is important to acknowledge that it can be really stressful. That is worth validating.
The Effects of Stress

The Physical Effects Of Stress
Stress can have very real effects on your physical health. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the impacts of stress range from short-term symptoms like headaches and digestive issues, to more long-term problems like high blood pressure.
Stress can also make it difficult to sleep. Not only can lack of sleep due to stressful tossing and turning make you exhausted getting through the busy days, but it can have other negative impacts on your health.
The Mental And Emotional Effects of Stress
Stress can also have also have detrimental effects on your emotional and mental well-being. In her article on Medical News Today, Veronica Zambon explains some of these impacts. Not only can stress lead to feelings of overwhelm and irritability, but it can also cause anxiety and depression for some people.
These conditions can make it even more challenging to cope with stress, so it is important that find ways to relieve stress and not get stuck in this cycle.
Stress Relief For Busy Moms
Brain Dump

Moms carry a lot on their mind. There are SO many things to remember. It’s the kind of stuff that can literally keep you up at night.
When is that appointment? I can’t forget to order groceries. How am I going to get the kids home from school on Friday? It’s a lot.
You don’t have to juggle this all in your mind, though. It can come out, and live outside of your brain. All you have to do is invite it to the outside.
Brain dumps are the perfect way to get it all out. Here’s what you do. Either in the morning or before you go to bed at night, sit down with your notebook or laptop and let it go. Get it all down. Make it all permanent outside of your head. It does not have to live in your brain.
Once you are able to clear space in your mind, you can give yourself space to breathe. You won’t have to feel the stress of everything taking up your thoughts.
Go For A Walk

Getting outside and going for a walk is an incredible way to de-stress. You can head out on your own, or strap the kids into the stroller and go for a family walk.
Fresh air, time to think, movement – it can all help relieve stress. explains that walking can help decrease stress in a few ways, from loosening the tension in your body, to taking a break from whatever is causing you stress and getting time to think or clear your mind.
You don’t have to plan time for long walks – even a short 15-20 minute walk is enough to have a positive effect on your stress-levels.
Watch Mindless TV

Important note before we dive into this one – I don’t suggest that mindlessly watching your favorite show should be your regular go-to stress relief activity. It isn’t typically the most effective when it comes to actually relieving the stress for more than the immediate moment. But there is something to be said about needing an escape and taking it.
Watching TV can be a quick, easy way to relax your mind and settle down. If you are looking for an escape from the overwhelm of your days, sometimes clicking on your favorite reality series or indulging in a juicy drama can be just the answer.
For ultimate relaxation, do this after the kids are in bed, and grab a cup of tea or glass of wine and settle in. Even if it’s just for a bit, you may feel the stress start to melt away. And sometimes, that is just what we need.
Go Out With Friends

You are a mom. But you are also a person who loves to have fun with her friends. And sometimes, you just need to tune into that side of yourself to feel less overwhelmed and stressed.
If you are able to get out for an evening, it can be an incredible reset. Maybe dad stays home with the kids while you get all dressed up and head to the bar with some friends. It can feel really good to step away from being “mom” for a bit and instead be completely, independently you. Spending time with your good friends is such a great way to make this happen.
Of course there are other things you can do with your friends to get the same stress-relieving effect. Maybe you take a couple hour hike with your girlfriends, or grab lunch and chat about your lives with your bestie. The point is, friends can bring out a different side of us that can help us feel more complete and less stressed.
Date Night

On a similar note, having a date night with your partner can also be a helpful way to minimize the stress you are feeling. Connection is so important, and being purposeful to set time to connect with your partner can work wonders on how you deal with stress as it comes up.
Date nights can help you and your partner get on the same page – and that alone can help you feel less stressed in the day-to-day. Even when you feel like you have no time and couldn’t possibly clear your schedule for a date night, it is worth figuring out ways to connect just you and your partner.
Quick note: You don’t have to leave the house to have a fun date night. These at home date ideas are easy to plan and you don’t even need a sitter! So there really is no reason not to plan time to connect and de-stress together.
Sit In A Quiet House

This can be the hardest one to make happen, but also the absolute most impactful. There is something so relaxing about sitting alone in your own home in complete silence once you become a mom. I think it’s because it is such a rarity that when it does happen, it can be a little unbelievable how much the stress can just fall away.
As a mom, you may not even realize how little you are completely alone. But if you are anything like me, it hardly happens. Sure, you might get a bit after the kids go to bed to sit in silence. But there is something different about being alone in the house.
I strongly recommend finding a way to make this happen, at least every once in a while. Maybe your partner can take the kids to the park, or even just go for a drive. And you can just chill. In complete silence. Without the worry of the kids waking up or hearing the sound of the white noise machine buzzing in the distance. It’s just you and your thoughts. That’s all.
Maximize this time alone by meditating in the silence. You might be surprised with how at-peace will end up feeling.
Don’t Let Stress Relief Stress You Out

The problem with addressing your stress with activities to help relieve the stress is that sometimes, when we are feeling overwhelmed by everything going on, even committing to stress relief activities can feel like an added stress. Try to reframe this – instead of thinking as stress relief as something more you have to do, think of it as giving yourself a break. A much needed break, at that. Don’t get caught up in feeling like you have to do something a certain way to feel the benefits. Instead, just keep an open mind to giving yourself moments to calm your mind, and try to shift into seeing these opportunities to breathe as a priority.
Keep in mind, being in tune with yourself can help ensure that you are able to get your needs met. Check out this post about why self-awareness in motherhood is so vital to being a happy, fulfilled mama.
Love this <3 all of these work for me for sure!
Ah, good! It’s so good to know what works!
I really love all of these suggestions! Especially the brain dump and going for a walk — both definitely work for me when I’m feeling stressed. I love how you mentioned not to let stress relief stress you out either. That’s such an important point!
I’m glad you have had success with using some of these ideas for stress relief! And yes – I think sometimes we get so caught up in doing it “right” that it can almost add more stress. Gotta avoid that!!
Nice post 🙂