How to Travel With Little Kids: Part 4 Airplane Trips
Traveling with kids is no joke. If I’m being completely honest, traveling on an airplane with two littles is REALLY HARD. Going through the airport – that might be even harder.
I am a believer in taking car seats on the plane. It keeps both the kids and the car seats safe on the plane. It also keeps your kid in one spot, which can be a huge plus when you’re up in the air surrounded by lots of grumpy strangers. *Follow @SafeInTheSeat on Instagram for more information on this.
When we traveled on an airplane recently with both kids, we only brought the toddler car seat on board because we did not buy a seat for our baby. The infant car seat ended up getting gate-checked, which I don’t love for a few different reasons. But as you can probably imagine, having two kids and two car seats to lug around the airport makes things a little crazy.
I want to assure you thought that careful planning can make a difference. The more you prepare, the easier your journey will be.
Here are my biggest tips for traveling by airplane with little kids.
The Airport
Getting through an airport can be stressful no matter who you are traveling with. Security lines can be long, and it can be hard to find your gate.
When you have little ones (and all of their things) with you, it only makes things more stressful.
Here is what to consider before you go:
- Get there early. Like way earlier than you would without kids. Everything is going to take longer, and you don’t want to miss your flight.
- How will you get your kids and car seats from point A to point B? Will you baby-wear through the airport and stack the car seats on a stroller? Or will you carry the baby in the infant car seat while your toddler helps the other parent with the bags? What ever you choose, make sure to practice!
- How can you make your security pit stop as easy as possible? You will undoubtedly slow down the line at security (that’s just the honest truth), but make sure to wear the right shoes and have your liquids easily accessible to make it as easy as possible.
The Airplane

Remember, airplanes are uncomfortable. Keep this in mind as you manage your expectations of how much you will enjoy a flight with your kiddos.
That isn’t to say you can’t make it a decent experience with a bit of planning.
Here are some of my big take-aways from the airplane:
- Have your car seat ready to install before you get on the plane. The incline settings may be different on the plane than in your car. Make sure to do your research before hand so that you aren’t frantically figuring it out once you’ve boarded the plane.
- Bring things to suck! The pressure that you feel in your ears when flying is not fun for anyone, but especially not for little ones. If your baby uses a pacifier, make sure to have one on hand during the flight (or give baby a boob or bottle to suck on for take off and landing). For toddlers, think about giving them a lollipop or something else they can suck to help ease the pressure.
- Don’t forget activities for your toddlers! Check out the suggestions I have in Part III for what activities to bring on trips.
- Make sure to have cleaning wipes. I brought pacifier wipes and hand sanitizer wipes to be ready for anything.
Set Your Expectations of Traveling With Kids
This is not going to be the most relaxing flight of your life. In fact, it might be hard. But you’re a parent, you know that. You might be in survival mode, and that is okay!
Good luck and safe travels. You’ve got this, mama!
Check out my posts about toddler travel necessities and infant travel necessities to make sure you have everything you need for a happy trip!
Great tips! glad I found this since I’m traveling soon!
Good luck! You’ve got it!