Breastfeeding Essentials for New Moms

Here’s a secret: Breastfeeding isn’t always easy or natural.
With my first son, our breastfeeding journey got off to a shaky, downright painful start. By the second time around though, I knew the things I needed to get a successful start right away!
I am a huge believer that fed is best. But if you choose to breastfeed, you can give yourself the best chance of success by being prepared. I’ve compiled a list of my six must-have products for breastfeeding new moms to help you on your journey.
Breastfeeding Essentials for New Moms
Nipple Cream
This is a big one! Breastfeeding at the beginning can be painful. There’s no reason to sugarcoat this fact.
When my first son was born, I had to do a combination of breastfeeding and pumping because he wasn’t nursing well. On top of being a complete newbie with no idea what I was doing, my nipples were sore beyond belief. The hospital staff gave me a sample of a nipple cream, and I realized that this was something I could not go without.
Over the first couple months I tried a few different products, ultimately landing on Motherlove Nipple Cream.
This stuff is great – it soothes sore nipples and it’s safe for your baby to nurse when you have it on. It’s also plant-based and organic.
Be prepared, and have a nipple cream on hand from the get-go. I promise you will be happier if you can avoid dry, cracking nipples altogether!
Nursing Bra And Tank
When you are getting used to having a newborn at home, it is vital that you make everything as easy as possible for yourself. I found that having a good nursing bra and tank top made a huge difference for me.
During the first few weeks, your baby will nurse ALL THE TIME (seriously, like 8-12 times a day). You will likely be happiest if you can easily whip it out and feed your baby no matter where you are.
Some nursing bras are made to pull down easily, while others have snaps on the straps that allow you to uncover your nipple with minimal effort. Nursing tanks have this same mechanism.
The best thing about having a nursing bra and nursing tank is that you can turn basically any outfit into a nursing-friendly outfit. As long as you have these undergarments on underneath, you can pull up any shirt and nurse somewhat discretely where ever you are.
Here is a pack one of my favorite comfy nursing bras, as well as a nursing tank I recommend!
Nursing Pads
Literally no one told me that when you first start breastfeeding (and even once things have stabilized), your boobs might leak a lot.
Mine sure did.
The first few nights after my milk came in, I would wake up with my shirt and the surrounding bedsheets soaked in leaked milk.
It was awful. I was so emotional from the hormones and extreme life changes, that being completely wet with breast milk sent me into tears.
Now, I tell new moms to make sure they have nursing pads on hand in case they need them as badly as I did. I like this set of pads that you can wash and reuse over and over again!
Night Light
I spent my whole breastfeed journey with my first son using my phone flashlight as a light source during out night feeds.
Regularly, I’d accidentally shine the light in my husband’s face, and he’d wake up grumbly and grumpy. But I needed light – what was I supposed to do?
Get a night light, duh!
Shortly after my second son was born, I got this night light, which made the whole night-time feed process so much better. The glow on this light is warm (not too bright), and it can be dimmed with just a touch of your hand. It also has features to change colors and turn off automatically, making it multifunctional and extremely useful.
This is a must-have in my book!
I didn’t realize until my second son was born how important a functional bassinet can be for easy breastfeeding. With my first son, we used a standard bassinet, which was perfectly fine for sleeping. But it was really hard for me to get him out for night feeds.
I would often wake my husband up to bring me the baby, or I’d get out of bed to grab him from a standing position, even though he was literally right next to where I was sleeping. It was ridiculously complicated.
When my second was born, we borrowed a Halo bassinet from a family member.
Boy, was it a game changer. I could easily swivel the bassinet to my bed, lean over to grab my baby, and put him back just as easily. Plus, the vibration and built-in sound machine helped him fall asleep quickly.
These kinds of bassinets are an investment, but I highly recommend looking into options like this if you want to make your life easier! You can usually reuse these things with your next kids or pass it along to a family member who will surely appreciate it as much as you do!
Milk Collector Pump
If you don’t already know it, you will soon – in the first days after your milk comes in and your body has yet to regulate how much milk to make, your breasts may become engorged and painful.
Sometimes, my boobs would feel so full and sensitive that I wouldn’t be able to nurse my baby without crying. You’d think that the solution might just be to use a breast pump to empty the milk some, but that tells your body to make more, which can continue the cycle.
The Haakaa Manual Breast Pump is a savior for this problem. You just suction it on to you of your breasts (I always did whichever was the most engorged and painful), and then nurse your baby on the other. The silicone container than fills with the extra milk, without sending your body the signals to produce more milk.
Not only are you fixing the problem of discomfort with this pump, but you can also start to build a freezer milk supply for when you go back to work.

Breastfeeding Preparedness, Breastfeeding Success
My best advice for new mom who plans to breastfeed is to be prepared. If you set yourself up for success, there is a better chance that you will be able to breastfeed for longer (if that is what you want to do).
While you are planning to take care of your little one, take a little time to plan for taking care of yourself in this time of change! Good luck, mama!
I’m sending this to my sister who JUST had a baby. Great tips!
Good luck to your sis – have her check out my postpartum post for some other tips that may be helpful. The postpartum period is not easy, and your sister is so lucky to have your support!