A Look At Self-Gratitude For Moms
Practicing gratitude is really in – and rightfully so. When you acknowledge what you are grateful for, you can become a happier, more fulfilled person in your life. But what about gratitude for yourself? Do you practice that? Do you even know how? Self-gratitude for moms is something worth diving into.
What Does Self-Gratitude Look Like?
Self-gratitude is thankfulness and appreciation for yourself. It is the acknowledgment from yourself that you are a worthy, valuable person. It is one of the most validating forms of recognition.

If you are grateful for yourself, it means you not only accept who you are, but you value and respect what you have to offer the world. You forgive yourself for your mistakes, and thank yourself for all that you do. You show gratitude for your traits and abilities, and wrap yourself in a metaphorical hug for being all that you are.
Self-gratitude doesn’t look like one thing for all people, but it does come with self-compassion and a sense of pride in who you are and what you have accomplished.
Why Is Self-Gratitude Important?
We live our entire lives as the same person. That’s all we’ve got. Sure, we can make changes along the way, but the reality is, you don’t ever get to escape from being you. Learning to appreciate yourself is important to feel fulfilled and valuable, leading to a happier life.
Practicing self-gratitude can have many benefits. Psychologist and writer Nick Wignall claims that engaging in self-gratitude practice can lessen self-criticism, anxiety, and sleep problems, all while increasing a positive mood and self-esteem. The benefits of self-gratitude can literally change your life for the better.
Why Should Moms Practice Self-Gratitude?
Moms give a lot of themselves – time, energy, and love – in the process of raising children. There’s no way around this. But often times, this goes unacknowledged. A lot of moms go without thanks for all that they do and give. As a mom, you have the power to show gratitude for yourself. You can acknowledge and appreciate all of your hard work, and give yourself the self-love that you deserve.
Practicing self-gratitude not only allows you to be happier as a person, but it can also help you be a better mom. What do I mean by this?

Well, think about it. When you practice self-gratitude and make room for you to recognize yourself positively, you will absolutely feel more satisfied in your life. You will have a sense of appreciation for all that you do and everything you are, and that will allow you to accept and embrace yourself and your current life. You will show yourself respect and care, because you know that you are worthy of it.
Doing all of those things will make you a better mom. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a mom. That is because when you are taken care of, you are likely to be a more patient, fulfilled person. You will have a greater sense of appreciation for your life and your kids. You will make sure your own needs are being met, and in turn, be able to better meet the needs of your children.
There is no real downside to practicing self-gratitude. And the benefits of this practice are huge.
How Can You Practice Self-Gratitude?
There are so many ways to practice self-gratitude, but these six ideas are things that you could start doing today. Even these busiest of moms can find a couple minutes to purposefully write in a journal or get their body moving a bit. Let’s figure out which activities could be the most beneficial in your own life.
Self-Gratitude Journal

One of my favorite ways to practice self-gratitude it through a self-gratitude journal. The reason I like this method so much is because you end up producing a document that you can refer back to that includes many, many reasons that you are grateful for yourself, all while increasing your level of self-appreciation daily. The impact of doing so can make the benefits last far beyond the initial action.
Journaling in this way does not have to take a lot of time. If you are intentional and focused when you sit down to write, this can be done in just a few minutes. For the best results, I recommend writing in your self-gratitude journal daily. Write down one thing about yourself that you are grateful for on the first day, and then gradually increase the amount of points you write down in the following days. You may be surprised about how much appreciation you have for yourself.

Checking in with yourself through meditation is a great way to give thanks to yourself. Taking this moment to exist and refocus is such an act of appreciation and self-care.
Meditation is an incredible way to add self-gratitude to your daily routine. Whether you are starting the morning or ending the day with a meditation session, or squeezing in some time on your lunch break or while your baby naps, the time spent tuning into yourself and your needs can be worth it.
Take Yourself Out On A Date

This sounds a bit silly, I know, but what better way to show yourself love and appreciation than to take yourself out and spend some time listening to your needs and desires. When you are thankful for someone else, you might treat them to a dinner or buy them a drink over a nice conversation – why not do the same for yourself?
Spending time enjoying your own company can allow you to get to know yourself better, and appreciate all that you have to offer the world. Plus, what mom doesn’t appreciate a little alone time, right?
Buy Yourself A Gift

You work hard. Whether you are a working mom or a stay at home mom, you do a lot. So buy yourself a thank you gift. Get yourself that pair of shoes you are dreaming of, go for that massage, or buy yourself a bouquet of flowers and soak it all in.
Sure, not all gratitude should be expressed through purchases – but receiving a gift does feel good sometimes. You deserve the love, so give it to yourself. Splurge when you can. Treat yourself.
Move Your Body

If you are able to move your body, do it. Whether it is through yoga, dancing, or going on a walk (or run, if you are not like me), moving your body is a great way to show appreciation of what your body can do for you. We all have different bodies, and our bodies all allow us to do different things. But the fact of the matter is that we are all alive right now, and we have our bodies to thank for that.
You don’t have to overthink this one. Parking further away from the office to get a few more steps in or having a mini dance party with your toddler are two easy ways you can get your body moving without setting aside a separate time for a full on workout. It’s less about exercising your body, and more about just acknowledging its capabilities and what you are able to do thanks to it.
Give Yourself Time Off

When life gets crazy (and as moms, it can get crazy often), taking care of ourselves and giving ourselves time to rest can often be the first thing to fall off our list of priorities. Whether that is right or wrong is a conversation for another day, but it is probably fair to say that you are deserving of some time to yourself.
Getting that time to yourself may mean taking a day of work and relaxing while your kids are in child care. Or maybe you let your kid watch a movie while you take a bit of time to yourself. Whatever it looks like for you in your life, giving yourself time to focus on yourself is a wonderful way to express self-gratitude.
Don’t Underestimate The Value Of Self-Gratitude For Moms
Feeling appreciated and valued can have a majorly positive impact on your life. As a mom, this positive impact can also positively effect your kids. Practicing self-gratitude puts you in the driver seat of recognizing your worth and feeling loved and important. Embracing yourself through these acts can lead to you becoming a happier, more fulfilled and patient mom.
While you’re checking in with yourself through self-gratitude, don’t miss out on the opportunity to evaluate your own needs. Self-awareness in motherhood can be so beneficial (and necessary), and can allow you to give thanks to yourself by making sure your needs are being met as much as possible.
Great reminders. It’s always good to remember to take care of ourselves but especially during these busy seasons.
Absolutely. I know I need this reminder sometimes.