6 Important Baby Registry Items You Don’t Even Know You Need
When you are expecting a new baby, there are some things you know you’ll need: A crib, a car seat, diapers, and some bottles. But there are other lots of things that you might not think of that will make the first year so much easier. When it comes to baby registry items, you want to make sure you’ve thought of it all.
It is easy to get caught up in what you need immediately for your baby. And while it is so so important that you do have all you need when your baby comes home, you will benefit from being more prepared than that. Time flies, and your baby’s needs will keep changing. You will be happy you have what you need when your baby reaches the next step in development.
These 6 items for your baby registry are ones that I wish I had had from the get-go. So many people asked me what gifts they could give our family to welcome our new baby, but I didn’t think of these things until much later. So learn from my mistake, and add these to your registry right away.
6 Items for Your Baby Registry That You Don’t Know You Need

Quick, read this post, and then head to your Amazon account to get all of this added!
When you have a newborn in the hospital, one of the first things you (or dad) has to learn is how to swaddle the baby. This is because babies prefer to be wrapped up tight when they sleep, to mimic what it’s like in the womb.
It seems like it should be so easy. It’s something most parents do, right?
But babies can be wiggly. And blankets can be hard to fold right. And what’s worse, every thing you read tells you not to let your baby sleep around loose blankets, but here you are wrapping your baby in one and hoping it won’t come unwrapped during the night.
Thank goodness for swaddle sleep sacks. These are seriously a life saver.
When our first was about a week or two old, we switch from traditional swaddle blankets, to this much easier option and never looked back. With our second, we actually brought the swaddles to the hospital so that we could use them from the very beginning.
This is definitely something you want to have on hand. And you will want more than one (newborns are known for massive blowouts, and the last thing you want to be doing is figuring out how to wrap a blanket after your baby leaks poop all over the place in the middle of the night).
There are tons of different options out there including sleep sacks with weight that mimics touch. We preferred the Halo Sleepsack Swaddles because they come in a variety of materials and are extremely easy to use.
Avoid the middle of the night scramble that comes with trying to swaddle your baby over and over again. I promise you, you will already be tired – any product that makes night time easier is a product worth having from the get-go.
As a new mom, there are a lot of things that can cause worry. One of those things is when you think your baby might be sick. When that happens, you’ll want to have a thermometer on hand.
Our hospital sent us home with a thermometer. One of the stick ones that adults stick under their tongues. When you take a baby’s temperature with one of these, you have to stick it in their armpit, which is not particularly comfortable. It can be tough to get a good read as your baby fights it.
Forehead thermometers are definitely the way to go when it comes to taking your baby’s temperature. They are so easy to use, and a read can be taken in such a short amount of time.
These types of thermometers can save you stress, and are good to have on hand. You never know when you will need it, so it is smart to have one available as soon as you bring your baby home.
Extra Crib and/or Bassinet Sheets
Obviously, cute and comfy sheets for your baby’s crib and/or bassinet are a must on any baby registry. Your baby needs a place to sleep, after all.
But really, you should never have just one sheet. I would recommend always having at least two extra clean sheets ready to go in case of blow outs or major spit up incidents. They happen. Always on the nights when you are the most sleep deprived and the least able to deal.
Don’t be that mom doing laundry at 3:00am because you don’t have a way to lay your child safely in their bassinet without bedding.
Have extras, and simply change them when you need. Save the laundry for the morning.
Don’t stop at adding one cute sheet set to your registry. Think ahead, and choose a few!
Maybe you thought of this one, but I was so busy planning to bring a newborn home that it never crossed my mind to add a highchair for my future 6 month old to our registry.
But time goes fast. Those first few months you are so sleep deprived and overwhelmed with change and love that the weeks pass in the blink of an eye.
And before you know it, baby will be ready to eat food.
And you will need somewhere to put him.
We have loved having a highchair that sits directly on a dining chair. It doesn’t take up too much space, and is nice and sturdy. There are also great free standing versions, from splurge items to budget friendly options.
Make sure to think ahead and add a highchair to your registry – that’ll be one less thing for you to purchase down the road.
Again, it can be easy in the beginning to forget that your tiny brand new baby will eventually (and quickly) grow and become more independent. Months after your baby is born, when you can no longer use that baby swing or bouncer that you got as gifts, you will want an exersaucer.
Exersaucers are so much fun for little ones. They love playing with all the toys and experiencing the feeling of standing up.
As a parent, exersaucers are great because they provide a safe spot to put your baby down, and they can keep your little one entertained for quite awhile.
There ares so many fun options to choose from, like this one that turns into an activity table as your kid grows.
Add an exersaucer to your registry and be ready to go when your baby is ready to go!
Jog Stroller
If you are someone who runs, this may not apply to you because you likely already see the value in a jog stroller. But for someone like me who would rather almost anything else than run a couple miles, I didn’t really see the point.
Eventually, though, I decided to get one. Boy, was it a game changer.
Jog strollers make going on walks with your little one in tow so much easier. They maneuver much better on bumpy surfaces, and can be easier to push for long distances.
There are so many different jog strollers to choose from, depending on what you will use it for. If you run, you may prefer to add a splurge stroller to your registry, whereas if you just want to use it for walks, you might go with something a bit more budget friendly.
If you are having a second baby, consider adding a double jog stroller to your registry!
Remember, People Want To Buy You Things

When adding items to my own baby registry, I felt nervous about seeming too greedy. But the truth is, people want to buy you things for your little one.
Use your registry as a tool to make your first year with your baby a little bit easier. Add the things you think you’ll need – all of them. There’s no harm in doing so.
Don’t forget to think ahead. Your baby won’t be a newborn for long. Remember, the more prepared you are, the better the whole experience will feel.
While your planning what you need when your baby arrives, check out this post to make sure you are ready for your breastfeeding journey.
Never heard of a jogging stroller! I love it 🙂 These are really on spot!
Glad you found it useful 😊
I wish I had this list before my first, I was totally clueless!!! Though I’m still clueless even after my second! 🤣
There is always more to learn – that is an absolute truth of being a mom! I wonder if we all feel that way 🤔😂
There are a lot of great gift ideas here. Thanks
I’m glad you found the list helpful!