5 Alternatives to Taking Your Kids to The Park
I don’t always admit this, but I HATE taking my kids to the park.
Like I really, really don’t like it.
Maybe that will change as they get older and more independent, but as it is now, I can’t stand chasing my toddler around play structures with the baby strapped to my chest. I want to be happy too, and that just isn’t it.
But sometimes it feels like every other parent’s activity of choice is taking their kiddos down to the local park.
So what am I supposed to do instead?
If I could, I would just build a little play structure in the backyard and let them run wild. Unfortunately the backyard in my case is a small pad of concrete far too small for any kind of structure. Honestly, I’d hardly even call it a backyard.
So cross that off my list of alternatives.
I have some other ideas of ways to get the kids out and about without the dreaded playground mayhem.
5 Alternatives to Taking Your Kids to The Park
1. Go For a Walk

Sure, it’s an obvious choice. But walking is such a great way to get the kids outside and for you to get a bit of time to relax.
Walking has many health benefits. Time outside can make you happier.
And my favorite part?
The kids are contained!
Once I load my kiddos into my double jog stroller, I have a good hour or so where I don’t have to constantly be holding the baby or running after the toddler. That is a huge plus in my book.
Walking is free, healthy, and you don’t have to drive anywhere to do it (although you can if you prefer different scenery than what your neighborhood has to offer).
2. Have a Beach Day

If you are lucky enough to live next to a large body of water like me (👋🏻 Hi, Pacific Ocean!), then heading to the beach is always a good option.
The beach is so calming, even if you are having to chase a toddler across the sand.
And with sand castle tools, you can keep your kids entertained for hours!
There they are, in front of you, playing with their toys like they would never do at the house.
I’d take a beach day over a park outing any day.
☀️Don’t forget your sunscreen!
3. Sign Up For Dance Class

Full disclosure: this option has costs involved. But oh my goodness, there is something special about watching your little cutie plié and relevé their way through a dance class.
Dance class is a great way to get little ones moving, and also involves structure that helps them mentally and emotionally. My son took his first dance class when he was newly 2 years old, and it was so much fun to see him light up and boogie down when the music came on.
Another thing that’s great about dance class? You get a bit of a mental break. Sure, it isn’t exactly “me-time.” But there is someone else interacting with your child, and for once you just get to sit back and enjoy.
This will always be one of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning with my boys.
4. Sidewalk Chalk

I love chalk – it is so much fun to doodle with bright colors and end up with powder rainbow hands.
I also love that chalk is something that we can do outside our home.
Chalk art can be done on the concrete pad in a backyard, or the driveway leading up to a home.
It may be a bit messy, but not like paints at the kitchen table.
Chalk gets you and your kids outside and forces those creative juices to flow. And as soon as you wash it off, the canvas is ready to go again!
5. Target Run

Okay, this last one might be a bit silly, but I swear my toddler’s favorite thing to go is go to Target (like mother, like son 👩👦).
He is so into getting strapped into the forward facing carts and rolling down the toy aisles.
Of course, I don’t mind it either 😉
I know that going to Target isn’t the same as going to the park. I get it.
But if I am able to load my boys up, have a productive shopping trip, and make everyone happy (including myself), it counts in my book.
Remember, it’s okay to have days home, too
I want to leave us with this last note.
I always feel so much pressure to get my kids out and doing something each day.
And sometimes I just don’t have it in me.
That is perfectly okay! It is fine to hang out in the house playing board games and watching TV shows. We all need a rest sometimes, even us busy mamas.